Clapham GmbH Relocation Services takes over Elisabeth Sommer Relocation.
Oliver Clapham, Managing Director of Clapham GmbH Relocation Services, has recently announced the successful acquisition of Elisabeth Sommer Relocation, Munich with the beginning of January 2019.
“Demand for relocation service providers is increasing. The expansion with our own office in Munich strengthen our position and relationship with our customers in that region. Customer needs are getting more and more diverse and ambitious. The combined teams in Frankfurt/Main-Kriftel and Munich ensure our potential for further growth”, Oliver Clapham comments the take-over, underlining the readiness of the joint company to meet the trends and needs of the relocation industry.
Service- and client portfolios of both organizations complement one another in an ideal way and provide the opportunity to tap the teams⤙ full potentials, to unite efforts and thus create synergies, according to Clapham. The well-established brand “Elisabeth Sommer Relocation” will be maintained.
The take-over is the result of intensive dialogue, showing the identity of company philosophies throughout the process: both companies are owner- respectively family owned companies, based on common values and have been industry leaders for more than 20 years.
“We have known each other for many years and I am very happy to hand over my longtime customers and my team to a trustworthy partner”, Elisabeth Sommer comments on the satisfying completion of the take-over.
She is far away from withdrawing from business though: Elisabeth Sommer will continue working for the Munich office as a consultant in Business Development. As a member of the Board of EURA (European Relocation Association), she will go on designing the development of the relocation industry in Europe ⤓ a task which has also been executed by Ileana Clapham, Managing Director of Clapham Group, until a few years ago.
A getting to know of both teams is currently being prepared, the outcome of which will be the creation of initial synergies and the design of strategies in a common future.
Frankfurt-Kriftel / Munich, January 2019

Clapham Team Weihnachten 2019

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