EGQS+ Certification 2022
We are proud to announce that we have been certified with the new Global Quality Seal Plus by EuRA (EGQS+) in 2020, audited by EuRA´s accreditation partner DQS (German Society for Certification of Management Systems).
In this challenging year, Clapham Relocation Services also mastered the integration of a new office in Munich (formerly Elisabeth Sommer Relocation). Due to the COVID-19 restriction the EGQS Audit was carried out as a remote audit session and terminated with successful results.
We started this journey in the relocation industry 26 years ago and in 2008 Clapham GmbH received the EGQS certification as one of the first relocation companies in Germany and worldwide. Since then we received every 2 years the EQGS certification successfully.
The EGQS is the world´s first accreditation program for Destination Service Providers and has been extended to EGQS+, which includes Relocation Management Companies and Relocation Related Service Providers.

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Acquisition of Lenzer Relocation
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Supplier of the year 2021
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Genießen Sie, was Relocation ganz einfach macht
Zertifizierte Qualität: Mit weniger sollten Sie sich nicht zufrieden geben
Was unsere Kunden sagen
Clapham hat Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte fest in seiner Unternehmens-DNA verankert
Phone: +49 (0) 6192 / 951 150-0
Phone: +49 (0) 89 / 954 741-0
© Clapham GmbH Relocation Services