“Supplier of the year 2021” award from BGRS.
We are thrilled to announce that Clapham GmbH Relocation Services has received the „Supplier of the year 2021” award from BGRS. The award ceremony took place on October 19th in Chicago. This year, due to the pandemic restrictions, Clapham Relocation Services attended the event only virtually but hopes to be present at the award ceremony in person once again in 2022.
It is an honour to have been selected for our performance especially during these challenging times.
Oliver Clapham, Managing Director of Clapham Relocation Services, is sharing his excitement and appreciation upon receiving the award:
“I would like to thank all our Clapham teams in our offices in the Frankfurt-Rhine-Main region, Munich and all over Germany for their performance as without their dedication to providing exceptional services to our transferees, this award would not have been possible. This award is the result of all the teams’ hard work. We are excited to be chosen as the best Destination Service Provider worldwide by BGRS and will continue to deliver highest quality services to our customers.
Clapham Relocation Services has been shortlisted for other industry awards over the past years. For example, in 2017 Clapham Relocation Services also received the BGRS Platinum Award as the only Destination Service Provider in the EMEA region.

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Was unsere Kunden sagen
Clapham hat Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte fest in seiner Unternehmens-DNA verankert