Expat Management Conference Munich
On 26 November, Elisabeth Sommer, representing Elisabeth Sommer Relocation, a brand of Clapham GmbH presented the topic Global Talent Relocation: First phase of integration challenges and expectations.
The conference was hosted by Expat in the City with the primary topic of “Global Talent Management: Exploring the Ecosystem of International Professionals in Munich”. Presenting along with Ms. Sommer, were representatives from the Department of Labor and Economic Development of the City of Munich, Kreisverwaltungsreferat (KVR), Mercer, Die Techniker (TK), with a keynote address from Dr. Tina Ruseva.
Held at the Hotel Mandarin Oriental Munich, the conference attendees were over 70 HR representatives of wide ranging industries in Munich, which are seeing a growth of expat talent arriving in the city. The presentations covered how the city of Munich is attracting new business and assisting in existing business expansion; how the registration and work permit process is being streamlined to meet the high international demand, and why Munich is a business friendly world-class city.
After the presentations there was a reception in which Elisabeth Sommer and Oliver Clapham had the opportunity to meet with and discuss challenges that HR departments are facing.
This was the first conference of which the hosts Expat in the City (EitC) hope will become a regular event.

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