The Clapham team hopes that you are all staying safe and healthy!


The government has announced the relaxation of the social distancing measures entering into force today and within the next few weeks.

Clapham is your partner for relocation services in Germany, therefore please don´t hesitate to reach out to us with your individual questions and concerns via our switchboard or email.
Stay safe and let´s keep in touch!

Covid-19 Clapham Update

On behalf of the entire Clapham Team in Frankfurt and Munich, and our consultants Germany-wide, we would like to extend our best wishes in these challenging times.

The Clapham team have been working mainly remotely for almost 2 weeks now, within the framework of the legally given possibilities, and are constantly able to provide advice and support to our corporate clients and to the transferees and families we serve.

We are at your disposal for questions and support at any time.
We are doing our best to ensure we can work around the current Coronavirus situation
and difficulties and find an individual solution for you and your employees and assignees.

Impacts on Destination Service, Departure Service and Authority Service

Destination Services:

We are able to support the settling-in and homefinding with few restrictions only. Clapham will, inspite of everything, always try to make our client`s arrival in Germany as pleasant as possible.

Departure services:

We can confirm that we can provide our departure services smoothly and with few restrictions.

Authority services:

We can ensure we are in contact with the authorities on a case-by-case basis and can provide latest news about their actions and current procedures.

Clapham is your partner for relocation services in Germany, therefore please don`t hesitate to reach out to us with your individual questions and concerns via our switchboard +49 6192 9511 500 or via email to our dropbox ed.ma1726868238hpalc1726868238@noit1726868238acole1726868238r1726868238, or directly to your Clapham contact. We are happy to get you the information you need during these challenging times. If we can help you in any way, just let us know.

We are convinced that will get through this soon and that we are stronger together!

Stay safe and let`s keep in touch! Very best wishes from the entire Clapham team



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Genießen Sie, was Relocation ganz einfach macht


Zertifizierte Qualität: Mit weniger sollten Sie sich nicht zufrieden geben


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Clapham hat Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte fest in seiner Unternehmens-DNA verankert